I was looking into improving my sing-up and login workflows and I looked into Okta
At the moment we are using passport with our custom database and customs strategies and sessions remote storage. It seems like Okta
can be used on its own. I did find some custom libraries online to use it with Passport.js
. I don't see why you would tough.
Anyone has any experience with Okta
and any opinion on why you would use it with passport
Here is a passport
library to work with okta: https://github.com/techstars/passport-okta-oauth-example/blob/master/config/passport.js
Here is a "simple" way of using okta: https://developer.okta.com/quickstart/#/okta-sign-in-page/nodejs/express
The two links you shared does the same thing. Mainly, get id or access token.
The Signin widget can establish a session and get the token via this config:
Application Name My Web App
Base URIs http://localhost:{port}
Login redirect URIs http://localhost:{port}/authorization-code/callback
Grant Types Allowed Authorization Code
the other link you shared gets the same token via this config:
passport.use(new OktaStrategy({
audience: nconf.get("OKTA_AUDIENCE"),
clientID: nconf.get("OKTA_CLIENTID"),
clientSecret: nconf.get("OKTA_CLIENTSECRET"),
idp: nconf.get("OKTA_IDP"),
scope: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],
response_type: 'code',
callbackURL: "http://localhost:3000/auth/okta/callback"
so you should not need to use both of them.