I upgraded to version 5.1.1 of ServiceStack OrmLite (via MyGet), and when I try to open a connection to the db, I suddenly get this error:
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: 'The host does not support SSL connections.'
Before the upgrade I was running v 5.1.0, and I got no such error.
I initialize OrmLite as follows:
private void InitOrmLite()
JsConfig.IncludeTypeInfo = true;
OrmLiteConfig.ThrowOnError = JsConfig.ThrowOnError = true;
//OrmLiteConfig.BeforeExecFilter = dbCmd => Console.WriteLine(dbCmd.GetDebugString());
_dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory($"Uid={dbUsername};Password={dbPassword};Server={dbAddress};Port={dbPort};Database={dbDatabase}", MySqlDialect.Provider);
and usage is
using (var _db = dbFactory.Open())
// AlterTable will create if not exist, otherwise add columns that was added to the PCO
And here it is:
There is a workaround, that I am posting as an answer, but I'd like mythz input on this =)
The workaround that I found, is to add the following to the connection string:
so, the connectionstring would be:
$"Uid={dbUsername};Password={dbPassword};Server={dbAddress};Port={dbPort};Database={dbDatabase};SslMode=None", MySqlDialect.Provider
When doing so, the exception is gone.