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XMLConfiguration Size is 0

File file = new File( "justskiphere" );
  if ( !file.exists() )
     file =
           new File( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
                 .getResource( "general_cat_column_order.xml" ).getFile() ); "Found in the thread" );
  XMLConfiguration config = null;
     config = new XMLConfiguration( file ); config.getBasePath() ); config.getFileName() ); config.getRootElementName() ); "" + config.getRootNode().getChildren().size() );

  catch ( final ConfigurationException e )
     TableColumnHelper.LOG.warn( "Could not find the xml file.", e );

Hello, When I try to read from jar, It does see the file is there, but does not get the contents of it. So the result of LOG up there is:

12:58:33,665 [main] [INFO] TableColumnHelper - Found in the thread    
12:58:33,701 [main] [INFO] TableColumnHelper - /home/mert/Desktop/inspector-1.0-3/file:/home/mert/Desktop/inspector-1.0-3/groundstation.jar!        
12:58:33,701 [main] [INFO] TableColumnHelper - general_cat_column_order.xml        
12:58:33,701 [main] [INFO] TableColumnHelper - configuration        
12:58:33,701 [main] [INFO] TableColumnHelper - 0        
12:58:33,702 [main] [INFO] TableColumnHelper - Items in set: 0

I do not understand why. The jar is: general cat column order is the file in the jar and it has a content in it.

What is the reason?

Thank you in advance.


  • Reading files from within jars in always something I have to think about ;-)

    I always end up using


    The "..AsStream" part is important, since the file object cannot look inside a jar. I am not sure which XMLConfiguration you use, but it most likely has a InputStream-constructor.

    you may also wanna have a look at how to read a file from a jar file