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Why do we have to create unique uuid for every interface in a idl?

Why do we have to create unique uuid for each interface in a idl ?

For example in this interface there's a unique uuid for every interface in TradingLib.

import "oaidl.idl";

[uuid(7C948DDC-8C22-46CF-91AD-1E043A0E1A10), object]
interface IInventory : IUnknown
    HRESULT GetStock([out, retval] long* pStock);
    HRESULT Buy([in] long quantity, [in] float rate);
    HRESULT Sell([in] long quantity, [in] float rate);

[uuid(F7CF450D-C4BE-4943-A384-AA5BB4A89202), object]
interface IAccount : IUnknown
    HRESULT GetBalance([out, retval] double* pBalance);
    HRESULT Credit([in] double amount);
    HRESULT Debit([in] double amount);

[uuid(9791C352-4665-403C-8A37-3EC8485A87D5), version(1.0), helpstring("XYZ Trading Library")]
library TradingLib

    coclass Trader
        [default] interface IInventory;
        interface IAccount;

    enum TradingErrors
        TRADER_E_OUTOFSTOCK = 0x80040101,

Why can't we just use a single uuid for the TradingLib library itself? Why is it necessary to create uuid for every interface?



  • Each COM interface must have a unique id associated with it. Each time you introduce a new interface you have to assign it a new unique id.

    That's one of COM conventions - if you know an interface id you know what the interface is (all it's method with exact signatures). So in your example the answer is - you can't reuse an id because each distinct interface must have its own unique id.