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Call Eigen GEMM over externally allocated data

Eigen has amazingly fast GEMM implementation so i want to use it inside my pet project tensor library. If i understand correctly it's possible via Eigen::Map. I wrote simple example and defined EIGEN_NO_MALLOC to make sure that there are no unwanted allocations.

It's works well with simple matrix multiplication like C += A * B. But unfortunately it cannot handle C += alpha * A * B (GEMM like) situation.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "Eigen/Core"

int main()
    using Scalar = float;
    using namespace Eigen;
    std::vector<Scalar> aDat = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    std::vector<Scalar> bDat = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    std::vector<Scalar> cDat = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    Map<Matrix<Scalar, -1, -1, RowMajor>, Unaligned> a(, 2, 2);
    Map<Matrix<Scalar, -1, -1, RowMajor>, Unaligned> b(, 2, 2);
    Map<Matrix<Scalar, -1, -1, RowMajor>, Unaligned> c(, 2, 2);

    c.noalias() += a * b;

    //Assertion `false && "heap allocation is forbidden.....
    c.noalias() += 2 * a * b;

    return 0;

c.noalias() += 2 * a * b; gives me following runtime error

a.out: path_to_eigen/Eigen/src/Core/util/Memory.h:129: void Eigen::internal::check_that_malloc_is_allowed(): Assertion `false && "heap allocation is forbidden (EIGEN_NO_MALLOC is defined)"' failed.

Is it possible to call c.noalias() += someScalar * a * b; without allocations?

PS My eigen version is 3.3.2, gcc version is 7.2.0

Sorry for my poor English


  • This looks like a bug introduced by a small-size optimization. For products (KxM)*(MxN) where K+M+N < EIGEN_GEMM_TO_COEFFBASED_THRESHOLD (which by default is 20), Eigen switches to a lazy product implementation, which apparently thinks evaluating into a temporary is a good idea. Your example will actually work fine, e.g. for a 5x5 * 5x10 product.

    I filed a bug for that issue:

    If you want a quick work-around, define -D EIGEN_GEMM_TO_COEFFBASED_THRESHOLD=1, this will always use the big matrix-GEMM implementation.

    On the other hand, if you know your matrix size at compile time, you should better use the corresponding fixed-size type (Matrix<Scalar, 2, 2, RowMajor> in your case).