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SoapUI Script Assertion to validate the keys are present without validating the values within the keys

I have a REST request that will return a json response with a set of nine keys and there values. No the input values for the request are randomized and therefore will I will get different values every time it is run.

Is is possible to create a script assertion that will just validated whether the json structure is correct.

Json Response:

   "sid": 636811,
   "poss": 122,
   "mis": -150,
   "pres": 253,
   "aea": 0,
   "aa": 12,
   "ua": 7,
   "lar": null,
   "lbr": 1

Script Assertion:

def expectedMap = [sid:'', poss:'', mis:'', pres:'', aea:'', aa:'', ua:'', lar:'', lbr:'']
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response))

assert json.keySet().sort() == expectedMap.keySet().sort()

I believe the following script assertion I have is failing because is it asserting the key values as well. expectedMap.keySet().sort() json.keySet().sort()

Tue Jun 26 14:27:52 BST 2018:INFO:[aa, aea, lar, lbr, mis, poss, pres, sid, ua]
Tue Jun 26 14:27:52 BST 2018:INFO:[aa, aea, lar, lbr, mis, poss, pres, sid, ua] expectedMap.keySet().sort().getClass() json.keySet().sort().getClass()

Tue Jun 26 14:17:12 BST 2018:INFO:class java.util.ArrayList
Tue Jun 26 14:17:12 BST 2018:INFO:class java.util.TreeMap$KeySet


  • You are almost there. Just need to get the keys, sort them and compare.

    Change from:

    assert expectedMap == json, 'Actual response is not matching with expected data'


    assert expectedMap.keySet().sort() == json.keySet().sort() as List, 'Actual response is not matching with expected data'