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How to create a Repository with EF core for a Value object in Boilerplate

I have created a second dbContext using the ABP .net core startup template. This all works fine, but the second dbContext is only used to extract data out of a view.

I have a class that maps to the view, but this view has no primary key. And if it were to have a primary key, it would be a composed key.

So I can't derive that class from Entity, so I chose to derive it from ValueObject.

But ABP doesn't create repositories for ValueObjects afaik.

So my question is, how to create a custom .net core repository for a ValueObject. (I only need an implementation of GetAll, since it will be a readonly repository)


  • You can derive from Entity and configure your view in OnModelCreating of your DbContext to map Id property to a column.

    modelBuilder.Entity<YourEntity>().Property(t => t.Id).HasColumnName("YourColumn");

    Otherwise you can get by dependency injection IDbContextProvider service and use it like a simple DbContext

    private readonly IDbContextProvider<TDbContext> _dbContextProvider;
    public YourService(IDbContextProvider<TDbContext> dbContextProvider)
        _dbContextProvider = dbContextProvider;
    public void MethodName(){
        var context = _dbContextProvider.GetDbContext();
        context.YourEntity.OrderBy(a => a.Name);