According to Javadocs for SE 8 does the following
Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream.
However, a book I'm reading (Learning Network Programming with Java, Richard M. Reese) on networking implements roughly the following code snippet in an echo server.
Supplier<String> inputLine = () -> {
try {
return br.readLine();
} catch(IOException e) {
return null;
Stream.generate(inputLine).map((msg) -> {
System.out.println("Recieved: " + (msg == null ? "end of stream" : msg));
out.println("echo: " + msg);
return msg;
}).allMatch((msg) -> msg != null);
This is supposed to be a functional way to accomplish getting user input to print to the socket input stream. It works as intended, but I don't quite understand how. Is it because map knows the stream is infinite so it lazily executes as new stream tokens become available? It seems like adding something to a collection currently being iterated over by map is a little black magick. Could someone please help me understand what is going on behind the scenes?
Here is how I restated this in order to avoid the confusing map usage. I believe the author was trying to avoid an infinite loop since you can't break out of a forEach.
Stream.generate(inputLine).allMatch((msg) -> {
boolean alive = msg != null;
System.out.println("Recieved: " + (alive ? msg : "end of stream"));
out.println("echo: " + msg);
return alive;
Streams are lazy. Think of them as workers in a chain that pass buckets to each other. The laziness is in the fact that they will only ask the worker behind them for the next bucket if the worker in front of them asks them for it.
So it's best to think about this as allMatch
- being a final action, thus eager - asking the map
stream for the next item, and the map
stream asking the generate
stream for the next item, and the generate
stream going to its supplier, and providing that item as soon as it arrives.
It stops when allMatch
stops asking for items. And it does so when it knows the answer. Are all items in this stream not null? As soon as the allMatch
receives an item that is null, it knows the answer is false
, and will finish and not ask for any more items. Because the stream is infinite, it will not stop otherwise.
So you have two factors causing this to work the way it work - one is allMatch
asking eagerly for the next item (as long as the previous ones weren't null), and the generate
stream that - in order to supply that next item - may need to wait for the supplier that waits for the user to send more input.
But it should be said that map
shouldn't have been used here. There should not be side effects in map
- it should be used for mapping an item of one type to an item of another type. I think this example was used only as a study aid. The much simpler and straightforward way would be to use BufferedReader
's method lines()
which gives you a finite Stream
of the lines coming from the buffered reader.