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Vertx - InfluxDB metrics keeping connection open

I am trying to incorporate metrics reporting into my Vertx application, through an InfluxDB instance. However, when I try to gracefully end my application, there is a hanging thread somewhere. I managed to track it down to the InfluxDB connection for vertx's metrics reporting, or so it seems, but I don't see a way to kill it off. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

A minimal working example (if you disable the metrics, the application gracefully finishes, otherwise, it hangs):

import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.VertxOptions;
import io.vertx.micrometer.MicrometerMetricsOptions;
import io.vertx.micrometer.VertxInfluxDbOptions;
import io.vertx.micrometer.backends.BackendRegistries;

public class MWE {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //setting up the metric options for influxdb. seems to work in MWE without credentials
        MicrometerMetricsOptions metricsOptions = new MicrometerMetricsOptions()
                .setInfluxDbOptions(new VertxInfluxDbOptions()
                        //disabling this would make sure the application _does_ gracefully exit

        //setting up the vertx instance
        Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(
                new VertxOptions()

        //stop vertx after a second
        vertx.setTimer(1000, timerID -> {
            //closing the vertx instance
            vertx.close(result -> System.out.println("Vertx was closed."));
            //closing the registry of metrics to influxdb
            System.out.println("Closed everything");

        System.out.println("Done with main");


  • As mentioned in the GitHub issue tracker (, this was an issue in version 1.0.0 of micrometrics. Bumping the version to 1.0.5 temporarily fixes the bug, awaiting the update of the dependency on micrometer by vertx-micrometer-metrics.