I have a Lemma of the form FnEquivInner f g
outer t (bind t f) === outer t (bind t g)
(full example posted below).
I wish to understand what kind of Proper
instance I need to write for outer
that lets me perform a rewrite
in this case, to replace f
with g
in the call of outer
In general, how does one write Proper
instances where the patterns are non-trivial?
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import Morphisms.
Variable T: Type.
Variable inner: T -> (T -> T) -> T.
Variable outer : T -> (T -> T) -> T.
Variable bind: T -> (T -> T) -> (T -> T).
Variable equiv: T -> T -> Prop.
Infix "===" := equiv (at level 50).
Variable equivalence_equiv: Equivalence equiv.
(** Check that equivalence can be found by Coq *)
Lemma check_equiv_refl: forall (t: T), t === t.
Definition FnEquivInner (f g: T -> T): Prop := forall (t: T),
inner t f === inner t g.
(** This is a part of my theory *)
Variable FnEquivOuter:
forall (f g: T -> T)
(t t1: T)
(EQUIVINNER: FnEquivInner f g),
outer t1 (bind t f) === outer t1 (bind t g).
(** This is not a made up example to push coq, I have an actual theorem like this:
* https://github.com/bollu/vellvm/blob/master/src/coq/Memory.v#L923
inner = memEffect
outer = memD
bind = bindM
Lemma useFnEquivOuter:
forall (f g: T -> T)
(t: T)
(EQUIVINNER: FnEquivInner f g),
outer t (bind t f) === outer t (bind t g).
(** What should the Proper instance look like so that if I have a FnEquivInner witness,
I can `rewrite` using it? *)
setoid_rewrite EQUIVINNER.
If you Set Typeclasses Debug.
and then try setoid_rewrite EQUIVINNER
, and look for the lines that include looking for
which come immediately before lines that mention proper_subrelation
, you will see
Debug: 1.1-1: looking for (Proper (?R ==> FnEquivInner ==> ?r) bind) with backtracking
Debug: 1.1-1.2-2.1-1: looking for (Proper (?R --> FnEquivInner --> Basics.flip ?r) bind) with backtracking
Debug: 1.3-2.1-1: looking for (Proper (FnEquivInner --> Basics.flip ?r) (bind t)) with backtracking
This is basically a list of the Proper
instances you can add to make typeclass resolution for setoid_rewrite
go through.
For example, if I write
Global Instance: Proper (eq ==> FnEquivInner ==> eq) bind. Admitted.
then setoid_rewrite
goes through.
I assume, though, that you will want something like
Global Instance bind_Proper : Proper (eq ==> FnEquivInner ==> FnEquivInner) bind. Admitted.
If I write this, then setoid_rewrite
fails. Let's dig through the typeclass log again, this time looking for where resolution goes wrong after applying bind_Proper
. Following the same rule as above, we see that the first line matching the above criterion is
Debug: 2.1-1: looking for (Proper (?R ==> FnEquivInner ==> ?r) outer) with backtracking
If I add
Global Instance outer_Proper: Proper (eq ==> FnEquivInner ==> equiv) outer. Admitted.
then setoid_rewrite
again goes through.
Note that you get to fill in ?
-prefixed relations (?R
, ?r
, etc) with any reflexive relation you'd like.
You may ask "why does this black magic work?" The answer is that proper_subrelation
is where Coq generally goes wrong. It means, roughly, "I have nothing in my database matching what you're looking for; let me blindly try everything in my database and see if any of them are maybe close enough to work."* (Where "close enough" means "is a subrelation of".) So we look for the places where Coq goes wrong in its search, and we look immediately before that to see what it was looking at. (There are often many steps of partial_application_tactic
, which strips arguments off of functions; this is why you only need one Proper
instance for bind
, rather than one for bind t
and another for fun t => bind t f
*This is actually useful, sometimes, because eq
is a subrelation of every reflexive relation, and so you can get away with not entering relations when you can just use eq
. But most of the time, proper_subrelation
is not what you want.