I have two scenarios where I want to know which is the caller method of some method I´m executing.
These are the scenarios:
public static void ExecuteMethod(object obj)
var mth = new StackTrace().GetFrame(1).GetMethod();
string methodName = mth.Name;
And I call it this way:
public class Process
public int Handle { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ProcessID { get; set; }
public dynamic GetOwner()
return WMIMethod.ExecuteMethod(this);
When this is executed the result of methodName
is the one I expect: GetOwner
The second and problematic scenario is this one:
public static dynamic ExecuteMethod(object obj, dynamic parameters)
var mth = new StackTrace().GetFrame(1).GetMethod();
string methodName = mth.Name;
And I call it this way:
public class Process
public int Handle { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ProcessID { get; set; }
public dynamic GetOwner(dynamic inParams)
return WMIMethod.ExecuteMethod(this, inParams);
In this scenario, when I call new Process().GetOwner(new { MyParam = "Something" } )
the result of methodName
isn´t anymore what I would expect to be (GetOwner
) and instead of that methodName
is CallSite.Target
and the result of mth
{Void CallSite.Target(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite, System.Type, ORMi.Sample.Models.Printer, System.Object)}
Anyone knows why is the second case different of the first one??. How can this be solved???.
From what I've found is that when dynamic
object is used, C# adds an additional method call System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute3()
In your case I'd rewrite the second method as
public static dynamic ExecuteMethod(object obj, dynamic p)
var frame =
new StackTrace().GetFrames()
.Skip(1) // Skip the 'ExecuteMethod'
.First(x => x.GetMethod().DeclaringType.Namespace != "System.Dynamic");
return frame.GetMethod().Name;
Unfortunately, I have no idea why C# inserts that call, so I'll appreciate if someone can explain that internal work.