I'm creating for fun an android application that tracks the spendings. I'm using Room to persist the user's data and I have POJOs that show the daily/weekly/monthly summaries.
These classes are quite similar, thus I would like to have one abstract POJO that contains the fields and extensions of it that reformat to the correct format. Something like:
public abstract class PeriodInformation {
PeriodInformation(@NonNull Calendar mCalendar, Integer mPeriodSpendingCount, Float mPeriodSpendingSum) {
this.mCalendar = mCalendar;
this.mPeriodSpendingCount = mPeriodSpendingCount;
this.mPeriodSpendingSum = mPeriodSpendingSum;
@ColumnInfo(name = "DateTime")
private final Calendar mCalendar;
@ColumnInfo(name = "SpendingCount")
private Integer mPeriodSpendingCount;
@ColumnInfo(name = "SpendingSum")
private Float mPeriodSpendingSum;
// Some other code, e.g., getters, equal override,...
Here the extension:
public class WeekInformation extends PeriodInformation{
public WeekInformation(@NonNull Calendar mCalendar, Integer mPeriodSpendingCount, Float mMonthSpendingSum) {
super(mCalendar, mPeriodSpendingCount, mMonthSpendingSum);
public String getPeriodRepresentation() {
//return representation;
However, I get following error message for the WeekInformation Class:
error: Entities and Pojos must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type).
So it seems that this is not possible in Room, thus I would be happy to get some suggestion how to not have to copy the same code too often.
thank you.
EDIT: I use following DAO code to aggregate to the POJO, the column calendarDate has following format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX":
@Query("SELECT date(datetime(calendarDate)) AS 'DateTime', count(uID) AS 'SpendingCount', sum(value) AS 'SpendingSum' from spending GROUP BY date(datetime(calendarDate))")
LiveData<List<DayInformation>> loadDayInformation();
I was able to make this work for me, using the Embedded annotation, allowing direct access to the fields of the embedded data type.
public class DayInformation {
public PeriodInformation periodInformation;
public String toString() {
return "DayInformation{" +
"periodInformation=" + periodInformation +
public class PeriodInformation {
PeriodInformation(Calendar timestamp,
int periodSpendingCount,
float periodSpendingSum) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.periodSpendingCount = periodSpendingCount;
this.periodSpendingSum = periodSpendingSum;
@ColumnInfo(name = "DateTime")
public final Calendar timestamp;
@ColumnInfo(name = "SpendingCount")
public Integer periodSpendingCount;
@ColumnInfo(name = "SpendingSum")
public Float periodSpendingSum;
public String toString() {
final DateFormat dateInstance = SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance();
String date = timestamp == null ? "null" : dateInstance.format(timestamp.getTime());
return "PeriodInformation{" +
"timestamp='" + date + '\'' +
", periodSpendingCount=" + periodSpendingCount +
", periodSpendingSum=" + periodSpendingSum +
public class Spending {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public int uid;
@ColumnInfo(name = "calendarDate")
public Calendar timestamp;
@ColumnInfo(name = "value")
public float value;
public Spending(@NonNull Calendar timestamp, float value) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
final DateFormat dateInstance = SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance();
String date = timestamp == null ? "null" : dateInstance.format(timestamp.getTime());
return "Spending{" +
"uid=" + uid +
", timestamp='" + date + '\'' +
", value=" + value +
and a DAO
public interface SpendingDao {
void insertAll(Spending... spendings);
@Query("SELECT * FROM spending")
LiveData<List<Spending>> findAll();
@Query("SELECT calendarDate AS 'DateTime', count(uID) AS 'SpendingCount', sum(value) AS 'SpendingSum' from spending GROUP BY date(datetime(calendarDate))")
LiveData<List<DayInformation>> loadDayInformation();
gives the following output
aggregated data is
DayInformation{periodInformation=PeriodInformation{timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', periodSpendingCount=8, periodSpendingSum=184.0}}
spending data is Spending{uid=1, timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', value=23.0}
spending data is Spending{uid=2, timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', value=23.0}
spending data is Spending{uid=3, timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', value=23.0}
spending data is Spending{uid=4, timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', value=23.0}
spending data is Spending{uid=5, timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', value=23.0}
spending data is Spending{uid=6, timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', value=23.0}
spending data is Spending{uid=7, timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', value=23.0}
spending data is Spending{uid=8, timestamp='Jun 26, 2018', value=23.0}