I'm currently using Visual Studio 2017, and trying to make my application a little more tamper resistant. Right now the critical code function I want to be protected will be decrypted at runtime, and for that I'm trying to add them to a custom section in the file, which will be called .foobar as an example. I'm using #pragma directives to add the section and later to specify what function should be linked there, however when I analyze the PE file there is no .foobar section.
The code with which I'm trying to add the function is as follows:
#pragma section(".foobar",execute, read, write)
#pragma comment(linker,"/SECTION:.foobar,ERW")
Main() function and others...
#pragma code_seg(".foobar")
int IWantThisToBeInFoobar() {...}
I also tried with the following:
int IWantThisToBeInFoobar();
#pragma alloc_text(".foobar", IWantThisToBeInFoobar)
int IWantThisToBeInFoobar() {...}
Neither of these worked so far, I'm using ExeInfo PE to view to sections and there is no sign of .foobar anywhere.
Any help or guidance is appreciated.
Figured it out, had to compile using /OPT:NOREF, and /LTCG.
Hope this is useful for someone in the future.