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How does SWFUpload work?

My code below works, except for the upload part. So far I am able to load the script without any problems, and the file dialogue opens when the a user clicks the upload button.

However, what I am trying to do is to assign the file to a form which contains other text input and text-area elements.

Basically I am trying to do this:

  1. User fills the form up with values (i.e. filling up text input, text-area fields)
  2. User selects a file using SWFUpload
  3. User submits the form

Is it possible to hook the file to a file input element on the form so when the form is submitted manually, all the values are sent on one go?

As far as I know, SWFUpload is used to submit the file automatically on the background on its own... Can this be done manually instead and on one form?


        // File Upload Settings
        file_size_limit : "102400", // 100MB
        file_types : "*.*",
        file_types_description : "All Files",
        file_upload_limit : "10",
        file_queue_limit : "0",

        // Button Settings
        button_image_url : "/images/upload_song.gif", // Relative to the SWF file
        button_placeholder_id : "spanButtonPlaceholder",
        button_width: 186,
        button_height: 32,

        // Flash Settings
        flash_url : "/javascripts/swfupload/swfupload.swf"


        .bind('swfuploadLoaded', function(event){
        .bind('fileQueued', function(event, file){
            $('#log').append('<li>File queued - ''</li>');


          $('#update-media').parents('li').append('<p>'+( >= 45 ?, 45) + '...' :'</p>');
            // start the upload since it's queued
        .bind('fileQueueError', function(event, file, errorCode, message){
            $('#log').append('<li>File queue error - '+message+'</li>');
        .bind('fileDialogStart', function(event){
            $('#log').append('<li>File dialog start</li>');
        .bind('fileDialogComplete', function(event, numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued){
            $('#log').append('<li>File dialog complete</li>');
        .bind('uploadStart', function(event, file){
            $('#log').append('<li>Upload start - ''</li>');
        .bind('uploadProgress', function(event, file, bytesLoaded){
            $('#log').append('<li>Upload progress - '+bytesLoaded+'</li>');
        .bind('uploadSuccess', function(event, file, serverData){
            $('#log').append('<li>Upload success - ''</li>');
        .bind('uploadComplete', function(event, file){
            $('#log').append('<li>Upload complete - ''</li>');
            // upload has completed, lets try the next one in the queue
        .bind('uploadError', function(event, file, errorCode, message){
            $('#log').append('<li>Upload error - '+message+'</li>');


  • Sorry, I don't know SWF Upload and am ready to delete this answer if irrelevant... BUT:

    I made two apps here:

    One with Uploadify and one with jQuery-File-Upload.

    They both answer your needs (ajax submitting, multiple files upload). I would recommend Jquery file upload because it's flash-free.

    I also wrote a tutorial here: