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ethereumweb3pygo-ethereum SendTransaction only in pending

I wonder why all the Txs send with the method web3.eth.sendTransaction({})in my private network to a node ending up in the pending section of the txpool. Why aren't they counted in the queued-section? what are the differences betweend pending and queued? and how do i get the tx queued instead of pending?


  • You probably don't want your transactions to go in the queued section. Pending is where they wait, until a miner includes it in the next block. Sounds like your private network miner is not including your transactions.

    For more about pending vs queued, see: What is the difference between a pending transaction and a queued transaction in the geth mempool?

    Pending transactions are transactions that are ready to be processed and included in the block.

    Queued transactions are transactions where the transaction nonce is not in sequence. The transaction nonce is an incrementing number for each transaction with the same From address.