There is no change in trendline for 4th, 5th and 6th order polynomial trendlines for the given data. I think this is because of the 15-digits precision limit in excel which affects the calculation for polynomial trendline.
I would like to verify the accuracy of polynomial trendline in excel for the following data
X-values: 1.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 23.00 23.00 68.00
Y-values: 38.32 13.76 70.74 70.74 10 10 523.41
Is there any standard or benchmark available to verify the correctness of trendline?
Finally found the reason why there is no change for 4th, 5th and 6th order polynomial trendlines
For drawing a 4th order polynomial curve, excel needs 5 data points.
Similarly, for drawing 5th order curve, excel needs 6 data points but as we can see there is only 5 data points in the chart. So the curve for 5th order polynomial appears similar to the 4th order polynomial
Similarly, for drawing 6th order curve, excel needs 7 data points but as we can see there is only 5 data points. So the curve for 6th order polynomial appears similar to the 4th order polynomial