I have a large dataset to transpose and the code below does exactly that in the correct output however with a few too many columns. Currently the code will continuously read from column to column until it has them all. I would like to change this so I can select the first columns data, skip 3 columns then continue the script.
My Dataset:
RN1 Skip1 Skip2 Skip3 Copy1 Copy2 Copy3
RN2 Skip1 Skip2 Skip3 Copy1 Copy2 Copy3
Desired Output:
RN1 CAT5 Copy1
RN1 CAT6 Copy2
RN1 CAT7 Copy3
RN2 CAT5 Copy1
RN2 CAT6 Copy2
RN2 CAT7 Copy3
Here is the VBA code below:
Option Explicit
Sub Tester()
Dim p
'get the unpivoted data as a 2-D array
p = UnPivotData(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion, _
3, True, False)
Dim r As Long, c As Long
For r = 1 To UBound(p, 1)
For c = 1 To UBound(p, 2)
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(r, c).Value = p(r, c)
Next c
Next r
End Sub
Function UnPivotData(rngSrc As Range, fixedCols As Long, _
Optional AddCategoryColumn As Boolean = True, _
Optional IncludeBlanks As Boolean = True)
Dim nR As Long, nC As Long, data, dOut()
Dim r As Long, c As Long, rOut As Long, cOut As Long, cat As Long
Dim outRows As Long, outCols As Long
data = rngSrc.Value 'get the whole table as a 2-D
nR = UBound(data, 1) 'how many rows
nC = UBound(data, 2) 'how many cols
'calculate the size of the final unpivoted table
outRows = nR * (nC - fixedCols)
outCols = fixedCols + IIf(AddCategoryColumn, 2, 1)
'resize the output array
ReDim dOut(1 To outRows, 1 To outCols)
'populate the header row
For c = 1 To fixedCols
dOut(1, c) = data(1, c)
Next c
If AddCategoryColumn Then
dOut(1, fixedCols + 1) = "COLUMN"
dOut(1, fixedCols + 2) = "VALUES"
dOut(1, fixedCols + 1) = "VALUES"
End If
'populate the data
rOut = 1
For r = 2 To nR
For cat = fixedCols + 1 To nC
If IncludeBlanks Or Len(data(r, cat)) > 0 Then
rOut = rOut + 1
'Fixed columns...
For c = 1 To fixedCols
dOut(rOut, c) = data(r, c)
Next c
'populate unpivoted values
If AddCategoryColumn Then
dOut(rOut, fixedCols + 1) = data(1, cat)
dOut(rOut, fixedCols + 2) = data(r, cat)
dOut(rOut, fixedCols + 1) = data(r, cat)
End If
End If
Next cat
Next r
UnPivotData = dOut
End Function
Just for the sake of it:
Sub Skip_and_Transpose()
Dim Ws1 As Worksheet: Set Ws1 = Sheets(1)
Dim Ws2 As Worksheet: Set Ws2 = Sheets(2)
Dim P1 As Range: Set P1 = Ws1.UsedRange
T1 = P1
Dim T2()
a = 1
ReDim Preserve T2(1 To 3, 1 To a)
T2(1, a) = "UFI"
T2(2, a) = "COLUMN"
T2(3, a) = "VALUES"
a = a + 1
For i = 2 To UBound(T1)
For j = 5 To UBound(T1, 2)
ReDim Preserve T2(1 To 3, 1 To a)
T2(1, a) = T1(i, 1)
T2(2, a) = T1(1, j)
T2(3, a) = T1(i, j)
a = a + 1
Next j
Next i
Ws2.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(T2, 2), UBound(T2)) = Application.Transpose(T2)
End Sub