I have a string from a memo field with some credit cards on it and I want to mask the numbers to show only the last 4 digits. Example:
<cfset str = "Her card no. is 1234567890123456 which is a bogus number.">
How can I make the value of the str to read:
Her card no. is ************3456 which is a bogus number.
How about something like this. You may need to alter the regex digit match maximum, depending on your credit card number range:
UPDATED 02.07.18
<cfset str = "Her card no. is 1234567890123456 which is a bogus number.">
<cfset maskall = true>
<cfset regex = ".*[\s]+([0-9]{8,19})[\s]+.*">
<cfset ccNumberProtected = "">
<cfif REFindNoCase(regex,str)>
<cfset ccNumber = REReplaceNoCase(str,regex,"\1")>
<cfif maskall>
<cfset ccNumberProtected = RepeatString("*",Len(ccNumber))>
<cfset ccNumberProtected = RepeatString("*",Len(ccNumber) - 4) & Right(ccNumber,4)>
<cfif Len(Trim(ccNumberProtected))>
<cfset str = "Her card no. is " & ccNumberProtected & " which is a bogus number.">
<cfset str = "Card number could not be displayed for security reasons">