I'm doing a chart component that will be several times represented on a page.
For that, I'm using Vuex where I have the mutations / actions to get that date, and everything works fine.
In the graph component, in created () I call the action to make the request, and I want to pass the date to the chart.
The state comes as follows -
typeChart: [data],
typeChart2: [data2]
If I do console.log from the state it appears fine but if using the key returns undefined.
// log - { stacked: Array }
// log - undefined
The only way I found to pass the state to the chart was to do a timeout but I think that is not the best way to do this.
here's the code I have
component of page -
:states="['state1', 'state2', 'state3']"
:keys="['key1', 'key2', 'key3']"
component of chart -
<div class="box-content-white">
<div class="title"> Gráfico 1 </div> <!-- //! name for chart -->
<column-chart :data="data" :stacked="true" :colors="['#006837', '#FF0000', '#000']"></column-chart>
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
export default {
props: {
endpoint: String,
chart: String,
states: Array,
keys: Array
data() {
return {
data: []
created() {
this.fetchReporting({endpoint: this.endpoint, chart: this.chart, states: this.states, keys: this.keys, formData: { state: 'negotiation' }});
setTimeout(() =>{
this.data = this.dataChart[this.chart];
}, 150);
methods: {
fetchReporting: 'fetchReporting'
mounted() {
this.data = this.dataChart[this.chart];
computed: {
dataChart: 'dataChart'
watch: {
file with vuex -
import axios from 'axios';
const state = {
dataChart: {}
const mutations = {
'ADD_DATA_CHART'(state, data) {
state.dataChart[data.key] = [];
[].forEach.call(data.states, (s, i) => {
let obj = {};
obj.name = s;
obj.data = [];
[].forEach.call(data.value, d => {
obj.data.push([d.name, d[data.keys[i]].toFixed(2)]);
const actions = {
fetchReporting({state, commit}, response) {
axios.post(response.endpoint, response.formData)
.then(({data}) => {
commit('ADD_DATA_CHART', {key: response.chart, value: data, states: response.states, keys: response.keys})
}).catch(err => {
const getters = {
dataChart: state => {
return state.dataChart;
export default {
any suggestion?
You need to wait for you action fetchReporting to complete. Either by using async/await or by using promise/resolve