I'd like to try to use Guice in my project, and stucked on simple(from my point of view) problem.
Assume that i have interface
public interface TradeService {
public boolean buy(Player player, ProductID productId);
which have several implementations with it's dependencies:
public CarsTradeService implements TradeService {
//...implementation here...
public BoatsTradeService implements TradeService {
//...implementation here...
public AirplanesTradeService implements TradeService {
//...implementation here...
I understand how to configure implementations and provide needed dependencies for them - to do this i need to create guice "modules"
which will look like
public class CarsTradeModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
And similar modules to rest two services. Ok, modules builded. But later, when i need to inject this implementations to some class - how could i inject exactly needed implementation?
For example, if i need to get instance of CarsTradeService
- how could i get exactly this instance?
You can use annotatedWith and @Named for doing exactly that.
And in the class you want to inject this bean you need to use
private TradeService tradeService;
This will inject the exact class you need.