How do I get g++ to make type checks on typedefs? Is it possible? i.e.
typedef int T1;
typedef int T2;
T1 x = 5; //Ok with me
T2 y = x; //Any way to get an error or a warning here?
I can't use C++0x features (I don't know whether they can do this.)
EDIT: What I want is something like this:
typedef int BallID;
typedef int BatID;
BatID x = 10;
map<BatID, Bat*> m;
m.insert(make_pair(x, bigbat)); //OK
BallID y = 15;
m.insert(make_pair(y, smallbat)); //Give me a warning at least plz
Is this too much to ask?
Consider using a strong typedef: