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How to get related fields (foreign key) in Yesod?

I've defined the following models in Yesod application:

    title Text
    order Int
    UniqueCvCategory title

    category CvCategoryId
    title Text
    fromYear Int
    toYear Int Maybe
    description Text Maybe
    UniqueCvItem title

I have the following query in a handler:

cvcategories <- selectList [] [] --all cv categories

In my hamlet template, I'd like to do something like:

$forall cvcategory <- cvcategories
    <li>$#{cvCategoryTitle cvcategory}
         $forall cvitem <- cvcategory --how?
         <li>#{cvItemTitle cvitem}

In Django, you can easily define a related_name, and then use this to easily access all 'child objects'. Is this possible in Yesod too? How?


  • Change your query, something like

      cvcategories <- selectList [] [] --all cv categories
      forM cvcategories $ \cat -> do -- for each category
        cvitems <- selectList [CvCategoryId .== entityKey cat] -- all items belonging to it
        return (cat, cvitems) -- return tuple of category and its items

    And then your Hamlet would look like

    $forall (cvcategory, cvitems) <- cvcategories
        <li>$#{cvCategoryTitle cvcategory}
             $forall cvitem <- items
             <li>#{cvItemTitle cvitem}