I am getting NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE exception on firefox 60.0.2 on dialog.show()
of a custom dialog
After debugging I ended up that the exception is being produced on line 85351 of ext-modern-all-debug.js: value = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(name);
where the property name
is opacity
and it is not available inside computedStyle
[Exception... "Component is not available" nsresult: "0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame :: debugger eval code :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 1" data: no]
Dialog Show Code:
var thisObj = this;
var wnd = Ext.create('myApp.view.desktop.something.CustomWindow',{
onButtonSubmitClick: function(){
ExtJS Debug Function:
getCssStyleValue: function(name, value) {
var testElement = this.getTestElement(),
computedStyle = this.testElementComputedStyle,
style = testElement.style;
style.setProperty(name, value);
if (Ext.browser.is.Firefox) {
value = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(name);
return value;
Does this bug has to do with this mozilla bug?
Any workarounds?
I don't know exactly why, but animations were generating this bug. After i set the animations on my dialog
hideAnimation: null,
maximizeAnimation: null,
restoreAnimation: null,
showAnimation: null
Everything worked fine.
I hope my answer will help someone with the same issue.