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Starting 32 bit protected mode

I'm trying to start 32 bit protected mode in assembly but when I run it in dosbox I get error: "JMP illegal descryptor type 10" and when I run it in real dos, whole PC just restarts. Whole code:

    org 100h

    lgdt [GdtDesc]

    mov eax,cr0
    or ax,1
    mov cr0,eax

    jmp $+2
    jmp 0x8:Start32

    dw 0x18
    dd Gdt

    mov ax,10h
    mov ds,ax
    mov es,ax
    mov fs,ax
    mov gs,ax
    mov ss,ax

    mov esp,8000h

    mov eax,cr0
    xor eax,1
    mov cr0,eax


ALIGN 4 ; Global Descriptor Table (GDT) (faster accessed if aligned on 4).
Gdt:   ; GDT[0]: Null entry, never used.
    dd 0
    dd 0
    ; GDT[1]: Executable, read-only code, base address of 0, limit of FFFFFh, 
    ; granularity bit (G) set (making the limit 4GB)

    dw 0FFFFh ; Limit[15..0]
    dw 0000h ; Base[15..0]
    db 00h ; Base[23..16]
    db 10011010b ; P(1) DPL(00) S(1) 1 C(0) R(1) A(0)
    db 11001111b ; G(1) D(1) 0 0 Limit[19..16]
    db 00h ; Base[31..24]
    ; GDT[2]: Writable data segment, covering the save address space than GDT[1].

    dw 0FFFFh ; Limit[15..0]
    dw 0000h ; Base[15..0]
    db 00h ; Base[23..16]
    db 10010010b ; P(1) DPL(00) S(1) 0 E(0) W(1) A(0)
    db 11001111b ; G(1) B(1) 0 0 Limit[19..16]
    db 00h ; Base[31..24]


  • Best answer is from Michael Petch (nice and clean code + notes):

    Some time back on IRC I wrote some code that did something similar. I cleaned it up a bit and put it on my server: . Not sure if it is of any use to you but you might get some inspiration. – Michael Petch

    ; Assemble with NASM as
    ;     nasm -f bin enterpm.asm -o
    STACK32_TOP EQU 0x200000
    CODE32_REL  EQU 0x110000
    VIDEOMEM    EQU 0x0b8000
    ; COM program CS=DS=SS
    org 100h
        call check_pmode    ; Check if we are already in protected mode
                            ;    This may be the case if we are in a VM8086 task.
                            ;    EMM386 and other expanded memory manager often
                            ;    run DOS in a VM8086 task. DOS extenders will have
                            ;    the same effect
        jz not_prot_mode    ; If not in protected mode proceed to switch
        mov dx, in_pmode_str;    otherwise print an error and exit back to DOS
        mov ah, 0x9
        int 0x21            ; Print Error
        call a20_on         ; Enable A20 gate (uses Fast method as proof of concept)
        ; Compute linear address of label gdt_start
        ; Using (segment << 4) + offset
        mov eax,cs          ; EAX = CS
        shl eax,4           ; EAX = (CS << 4)
        mov ebx,eax         ; Make a copy of (CS << 4)
        add [gdtr+2],eax    ; Add base linear address to gdt_start address
                            ;     in the gdtr
        lgdt [gdtr]         ; Load gdt
        ; Compute linear address of label code_32bit
        ; Using (segment << 4) + offset
        add ebx,code_32bit  ; EBX = (CS << 4) + code_32bit
        push dword 0x08     ; CS Selector
        push ebx            ; Linear offset of code_32bit
        mov bp, sp          ; m16:32 address on top of stack, point BP to it
        mov eax,cr0
        or eax,1
        mov cr0,eax         ; Set protected mode flag
        jmp dword far [bp]  ; Indirect m16:32 FAR jmp with
                            ;    m16:32 constructed at top of stack
                            ;    DWORD allows us to use a 32-bit offset in 16-bit code
    ; 16-bit functions that run in real mode
    ; Check if protected mode is enabled, effectively checkign if we are
    ; in in a VM8086 task. Set ZF to 0 if in protected mode
        smsw ax             ; Get lower 16 bits of control register in AX
        test ax, 0x1        ; Test the PE bit (bit 0) and set ZF flag accordingly
    ; Enable a20 (fast method). This may not work on all hardware
        in al, 0x92         ; Read System Control Port A
        test al, 0x02       ; Test current a20 value (bit 1)
        jnz .skipfa20       ; If already 1 skip a20 enable
        or al, 0x02         ; Set a20 bit (bit 1) to 1
        and al, 0xfe        ; Always write a zero to bit 0 to avoid
                            ;     a fast reset into real mode
        out 0x92, al        ; Enable a20
    in_pmode_str: db "Processor already in protected mode - exiting",0x0a,0x0d,"$"
    align 4
        dw gdt_end-gdt_start-1
        dd gdt_start
        ; First entry is always the Null Descriptor
        dd 0
        dd 0
        ; 4gb flat r/w/executable code descriptor
        dw 0xFFFF           ; limit low
        dw 0                ; base low
        db 0                ; base middle
        db 0b10011010       ; access
        db 0b11001111       ; granularity
        db 0                ; base high
        ; 4gb flat r/w data descriptor
        dw 0xFFFF           ; limit low
        dw 0                ; base low
        db 0                ; base middle
        db 0b10010010       ; access
        db 0b11001111       ; granularity
        db 0                ; base high
    ; Code that will run in 32-bit protected mode
    ; Align code to 4 byte boundary. code_32bit label is
    ; relative to the origin point 100h
    align 4
    ; Set virtual memory address of pm code/data to CODE32_REL
    ; We will be relocating this section from low memory where DOS
    ; originally loaded it.
    section protectedmode vstart=CODE32_REL, valign=4
        cld                 ; Direction flag forward
        mov eax,0x10        ; 0x10 is flat selector for data
        mov ds,eax
        mov es,eax
        mov fs,eax
        mov gs,eax
        mov ss,eax
        mov esp,STACK32_TOP ; Should set ESP to a usable memory location
                            ; Stack will be grow down from this location
        mov edi,start_32    ; EDI = linear address where PM code will be copied
        mov esi,ebx         ; ESI = linear address of code_32bit
        mov ecx,PMSIZE_LONG ; ECX = number of DWORDs to copy
        rep movsd           ; Copy all code/data from code_32bit to CODE32_REL
        jmp 0x08:.relentry  ; Absolute jump to relocated code
        mov ah, 0x57        ; Attribute white on magenta
        ; Print a string to display
        mov esi,str         ; ESI = address of string to print
        mov edi,VIDEOMEM    ; EDI = base address of video memory
        call print_string_attr
        hlt                 ; Halt CPU with infinite loop
        jmp endloop
        push ecx
        xor ecx,ecx         ; ECX = 0 current video offset
        jmp .loopentry
        mov [edi+ecx*2],ax  ; Copy attr and character to display
        inc ecx             ; Next word position
        mov al,[esi+ecx]    ; Get next character to print
        test al,al
        jnz .printloop      ; If it's not NUL continue
        pop ecx
    str: db "Protected Mode",0
    PMSIZE_LONG equ ($-$$+3)>>2
                            ; Number of DWORDS that the protected mode
                            ;    code and data takes up (rounded up)