Using siddhi-io-rabbitmq with a java library.
I tried to set the rabbitmq property "" on the "@sink()", but the following error message appears:
Syntax error in SiddhiQL, no viable alternative at input '; @sink(type =rabbitmq, uri = amqp://guest.guest@, = events, routing.key = route2, = guest, type = event, = my message id, priority = 1, delivery.mode = 2, headers = 'key1:value1','key2:value2', content.encoding = utf8, content.type = application/json, app'.
The code bellow runs only without this property:
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.SiddhiAppRuntime;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.SiddhiManager;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.event.Event;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.EventPrinter;
public class SiddhiRabbitMQError {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String siddhiApp =
"@App:name('example') "
+ "@source(type ='rabbitmq', "
+ "uri = 'amqp://guest:guest@', "
+ " = 'events', "
+ "exchange.type = 'topic', "
+ "routing.key= 'route1', "
+ " = 'queue1', "
+ "queue.durable.enabled = 'true', "
+ "@map(type='json', validate.json='true', @attributes(msg1 = 'msg1', msg2 = 'msg2', msg3 = 'msg3') )) "
+ "define stream inputStream (msg1 string, msg2 string, msg3 long); "
+ "@sink(type ='rabbitmq', "
+ "uri = 'amqp://guest.guest@', "
+ " = 'events', "
+ "routing.key = 'route2', "
+ " = 'guest', "
+ "type = 'event', "
+ " = 'my message id', "
+ "priority = '1', "
+ "delivery.mode = '2', "
+ "headers = \"'key1:value1','key2:value2'\", "
+ "content.encoding = 'utf8', "
+ "content.type = 'application/json', "
+ " = 'my app id', "
+ "@map(type='json', validate.json='true' ))"
+ "define stream countOutputStream (msg4 string, msg5 long); "
+ "@name('query1') "
+ "from inputStream#window.timeBatch(10 sec) "
+ "select msg1, count(msg1) as msg5 "
+ "group by msg1, msg2 "
+ "insert into countOutputStream; ";
SiddhiAppRuntime countLoginRuntime = new SiddhiManager().createSiddhiAppRuntime(siddhiApp);
countLoginRuntime.addCallback("countOutputStream", new StreamCallback() {
public void receive(Event[] events) {
I already read the doc in and looked for examples or similar problems into internet, without success.
My pom.xml:
<name>WSO2 Repository</name>
My message broker is RabbitMQ 3.7.4 with Erlang 20.1.7.
If someone could help me I very appreciate.
There seems to be a defect when parsing
property name of the @sink
annotation element. If you can get rid of that property name, the app should work.
Anyway, I've reported the issue in Siddhi repository [1]. So you can track the status of the defect there.