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Reagent turning span into editable field on click

Creating a figwheel/cljs/clj application, working on the front end when the user hits a button I want to turn a span into an editable field on click using reagent, How would I go about this?

I've been reading about focus switching, and reagent/dom-node but given I have the innerHTML aka "real values" displayed on the web-page, how would I setup on-click="" to essentially move the cursor to the component outside the innerhtml (the span) and make it editable and the cursor start flashing.

Thanks guys

Not sure if you guys want a code snippet but got a widget that pretty much says the following:

{:type     :plain-icon-button
 :label    [:i.ti-pencil-alt]
 :tooltip  "Click here to edit"
 :attr     {:tab-index -1}
 :on-click (fn [] (prn "What do i do here :( ")}

thanks again guys


  • One simple solution is to have both fields present, using the CSS property display: none; to toggle them so only 1 is visible at a time. In Hiccup:

      [garden.core :as garden]
      [ :as style]
      [:button#mybtn     {:display :initial}]
      [:textfield#mytf   {:display :none   }]]

    and then toggle the styles using {:onclick hide-btn}

    (defn install-css [css-def]
      (let [css-str (garden/css css-def)]
        (style/installStyles css-str)
    (defn hide-btn []
      (install-css [:#mybtn {:display :none   }] )
      (install-css [:#mytf  {:display :initial}] ))

    You can also experiment with the CSS visible property.