it's about leaflet marker on angular 5 , the marker value is dynamic and I need to draw just the last result. How can I do it please?
var markers;
markers = new L.LayerGroup().addTo(myfrugalmap);
let timer = TimerObservable.create(0, 10000);
this.subscription = timer.subscribe(t => { this.MyService.Localize().subscribe( result => {
this.positions = result;
let xpo = this.positions.x;
let ypo = this.positions.y;
let mar=L.marker([xpo,ypo], {icon: greenIcon}) mar.addTo(markers) });
} )
in result (without (markers.clearLayers)) I have evry 10 second the new position on the map and I need to drop the old positions and the see just the last
Did you try clearing before you added the newly created marker to the layer? Your last few lines would look something like this.
let mar=L.marker([xpo,ypo], {icon: greenIcon});