Our project uses XJC to generate Java classes from an XSD. I'm using JAVA EE 6.
When all the XSDs we have are re-generated, the generated classes include this comment at the top of the file:
// Generated on: 2011.02.23 at 02:17:06 PM GMT
Is it possible to suppress this comment? The reason is that we use SVN for version control, and every time we regenerate our classes, every single file shows as being changed in SVN, even though the only thing that differs is this comment. So I'd like to remove the comment altogether if possible.
There is a -no-header
directive, but I don't want to remove the entire header, so that future generations know that it's a file generated from a tool, and that modifications will be overwritten. I only want to remove the timestamp. (Or alternatively, I'd remove the inbuilt header and then insert my own header somehow.)
If it's not possible using an option you can post-process the generated files yourself. For a very specific use-case we had to do it that way on our project... We use Maven and we execute a specific script after the Java classes have been generated and before we compile and package them to a distriuable JAR.