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howto init ion-range-slider function in gentelella template

I'm in confusion to how to initialize some basic js components, like the "grid slider": enter image description here

that is included in the package for laravel:

and it comes from this plugin:

that's my code:

        <input type="text" id="test_range" name="example_name" value="" />

 $(document).ready(function(e) {
            min: 100,
            max: 1000,
            from: 550});});

I've tried 2 way:

  1. with no explict import the error is: enter image description here
  2. importing the cdn in the child view in the "@stack('script')" part like:


the erros is something like:

enter image description here

how can i correctly initialize this component?


  • You need these prerequisites:

    • the css: ion.rangeSlider.min.css
    • a theme: ion.rangeSlider.skinFlat.min.css
    • jquery
    • and the js: ion.rangeSlider.min.js

    Source for ion-rangeslider cdn:

    Working snippet:

        min: 100,
        max: 1000,
        from: 550
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
    <input id="range_02" class="irs-hidden-input" tabindex="-1" readonly="">
    <script src=""></script>

    In the case of gentelella, they use this in the source code:

      min: +moment().subtract(12, "hours").format("X"),
      max: +moment().format("X"),
      from: +moment().subtract(6, "hours").format("X"),
      grid: true,
      force_edges: true,
      prettify: function(num) {
        var m = moment(num, "X");
        return m.format("Do MMMM, HH:mm");

    As can be seen, they heavily make use of moment function, which is a prerequisite. Moment JS to be exact. Import that too and you should no longer have issues