I have a ptototype bean autowired in a singleton bean. To get different bean of the prototype bean, I marked it with proxyMode. Then, the side effect is huge: I always get more than one instances.
Here is my sample code:
@Scope(value = "prototype", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class Duplicate {
public void serve() {
log.error("{}", this);
public Duplicate get() {
return this;
public class Singleton {
private Duplicate d1;
public void serve(){
Duplicate duplicate = d1.get();
log.warn("d1 - 0 = {}", duplicate);
log.warn("d1 - 1 = {}", duplicate);
and a UT case:
private Singleton singleton;
public void testOnScope(){
The output is so weired to me:
Singleton - d1 - 0 = Duplicate@14f7e21a
Singleton - d1 - 1 = Duplicate@2bd9722
Duplicate - Duplicate@544cd64b
The memory addresses are totally different!
How should I modify my code to achieve the goal?
Do not use
use @Lookup instead.
I post a blog public, but it's in Chinese. https://www.jianshu.com/p/eee4a785cadc