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Pattern for Single Connection in C#

We would like to use single instance of Http Connection to communicate to server as it's guaranteed to communicate to one end http endpoint


MyConnection.GetRoute<ABC>.DoStuff()   --
MyConnection.GetRoute<XYZ>.DoStuff()   --

From the design patterns, Singleton seems to make perfect case

public class MyConnectionHelper
   private static MyConnection instance;

   private MyConnectionHelper() {}

   public static MyConnectionHelper Instance
         if(instance == null){
            instance = new MyConnection();
         return instance;

But we need some credentials to make connection and proxy information to be used if required, these properties should be exposed

public class MyConnectionHelper
   public static string authKey;
   public static string proxyUrl;
   private static MyConnection instance;

   private MyConnectionHelper() {}

   public static MyConnectionHelper Instance
         if(instance == null) {
            instance = new MyConnection(proxyUrl, authKey);
         return instance;

Is there any better design pattern suits for this use case and better way to expose required/optional parameters that can be provided before creating the connection and reuse it through out the cycle.


  • You could use something like the code below. When you set the credentials, it flags the connection to be reset. When you access the connection for the first time after that, it will recreate the connection.

    private static bool resetConnection;
    private static string authKey;
    private static string proxyUrl;
    public static string AuthKey
        get => authKey;
           authKey = value;
           resetConnection = true;
    public static string ProxyUrl
        get => proxyUrl;
           proxyUrl = value;
           resetConnection = true;
    public static MyConnection HelperInstance
            if(resetConnection == null)
                instance = new MyConnection(proxyUrl, authKey);
                resetConnection = false;
            if(instance == null)
                instance = new MyConnection(proxyUrl, authKey);
                resetConnection = false;
            return instance;