I have a jquery datable which i initialize as follows:
"columns" : [
"width" : "40%"
"width" : "40%"
"width" : "20%"
fixedColumns: true
Then i add rows dynamically like this:
"<div class='deletePosition' style='color:red; cursor: pointer;'>✖</div>"
The table is set up within a jquery dialog which i initialize as follows:
autoOpen : false,
title : "Some title",
show : "blind",
modal : true,
resizable : false,
scrollbar : false,
maxWidth: "800px"
My Problem: If i open the dialog something is completely messed up with the column width. Although i specify maxWidth as 800px the columns do not apply to that and take as much horizontal space as their content (meaning they are either too small or too wide).
Question: How can i always FORCE my columns to stay at the exact width which i specifiy when initially creating the table NO MATTER about the content width i insert later on?
Try this css:
table-layout: fixed;