Consider the following piece of code:
std::vector<int> Foo() {
std::vector<int> v = Bar();
return v;
return v
is O(1), since NRVO will omit the copy, constructing v
directly in the storage where the function's return value would otherwise be moved or copied to. Now consider the functionally analogous code:
void Foo(std::vector<int> * to_be_filled) {
std::vector<int> v = Bar();
*to_be_filled = v;
A similar argument could be made here, as *to_be_filled = v
could conceivably be compiled to an O(1) move-assign, since it's a local variable that's going out of scope (it should be easy enough for the compiler to verify that v
has no external references in this case, and thus promote it to an rvalue on its last use). Is this the case? Is there a subtle reason why not?
Furthermore, it feels like this pattern can be extended to any context where an lvalue goes out of scope:
void Foo(std::vector<int> * to_be_filled) {
if (Baz()) {
std::vector<int> v = Bar();
*to_be_filled = v;
Do / can / is it useful / reasonable to expect compilers to find patterns such as the *to_be_filled = v
and then automatically optimize them to assume rvalue semantics?
g++ 7.3.0 does not perform any such optimizations in -O3 mode.
The compiler is not permitted to arbitrarily decide to transform an lvalue name into an rvalue to be moved from. It can only do so where the C++ standard permits it to do so. Such as in a return
statement (and only when its return <identifier>;
*to_be_filled = v;
will always perform a copy. Even if it's the last statement that can access v
, it is always a copy. Compilers aren't allowed to change that.
My understanding is that return v is O(1), since NRVO will (in effect) make v into an rvalue, which then makes use of std::vector's move-constructor.
That's not how it works. NRVO would eliminate the move/copy entirely. But the ability for return <identifier>;
to be an rvalue is not an "optimization". It's actually a requirement that compilers treat them as rvalues.
Compilers have a choice about copy elision. Compilers don't have a choice about what return <identifier>;
does. So the above will either not move at all (if NRVO happens) or will move the object.
Is there a subtle reason why not?
One reason this isn't allowed is because the location of a statement should not arbitrarily change what that statement is doing. See, return <identifier>;
will always move from the identifier (if it's a local variable). It doesn't matter where it is in the function. By virtue of being a return
statement, we know that if the return
is executed, nothing after it will be executed.
That's not the case for arbitrary statements. The behavior of the expression *to_be_filled = v;
should not change based on where it happens to be in code. You shouldn't be able to turn a move into a copy just because you add another line to the function.
Another reason is that arbitrary statements can get really complicated really quickly. return <identifier>;
is very simple; it copies/moves the identifier to the return value and returns.
By contrast, what happens if you have a reference to v
, and that gets used by to_be_filled
somehow. Sure that can't happen in your case, but what about other, more complex cases? The last expression could conceivably read from a reference to a moved-from object.
It's a lot harder to do that in return <identifier>;