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Using Sendmail from an external server

I have a server with a webapp and a mail server (who use sendmail to route mails).

We need to migrate the webapp to an auto-scaling schema, so, I can't have the mail server in there, so, I'm thinking on leaving the mail server right where it is now.

So, to send mails I have different alternatives, I don't want to migrate to an external provider, the costs are to high (like 100 usd/m for mails + dedicated IP).

I'm looking for a way to connect my webapp PHP mail sending classes to this external server with sendmail.

Is there any way I can achieve this without creating my own API to send mails?


  • On Windows-servers you can change SMTP in php.ini. Also, you can try to setup relayhost through Postfix (example here), but it seems like a simple API is the easiest and right solution :)