Search code examples

How to traverse a dynamic array using karate?

I am hitting an api ->,5,13 The response of the api is:

    "data": {
                "rack": 219,
                "price": 360,
                "title": "book1"
                "rack": 309,
                "price": 230,
                "title": "book2"
                "rack": 112,
                "price": 200,
                "title": "book3"
    "status_code": 200

the keys 2,5,13 are variable depending on the api param.

I wrote the following code=>

Feature: Verify Library API
    Scenario: Verify book prices 
        * def id1 = 2 
        * def id2 = 5 
        * def id3 = 13 
        Given url ''+ id1 +',' + id2 + ',' + id3 
        When method get 
        Then status 200 
        * def id1_price = $.data.#(id1).price 
        * assert id1_price == 360

I wasn't able to get the value of the price of book1 in the variable, which resulted in the assertion failure. How do I access the price using the variable "id1"?


  • When you have dynamic JsonPath expressions, use the karate.jsonPath() API. try this:

    * def id1_price = karate.jsonPath(response, "$.data." + id1 + ".price")