So, when I click a button what should happen is the background image center's itself, and then when I click it again it sets the background position to unset. However, my issue is that I need the user's background position choice to stay and not reset back to unset.
Here is my html button:
<input type="button" id="centerImgBackground" value="Center Image" name="background-image-center">
Here is my Jquery/JS:
isImgNotCentered = true;
localStorage.setItem("toCenter","center center");
$('body').css('background-position', localStorage.getItem("toCenter"));
isImgNotCentered = false;
else {
isImgNotCentered = true;
Short and easy:
localStorage.setCentered == 'center' && $('body').css('background-position','center center');
$('#centerImgBackground').on('click', function(){
localStorage.setCentered == 'center'?
localStorage.setCentered = 'unset') :
($('body').css('background-position','center center'),
localStorage.setCentered = 'center');