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How do i fix the linting on brackets?

Starting off using brackets as a text editor to write javascript code, kindly note I'm a beginner, and I'm getting weird errors when I write my code like unexpected console statement when I use console.log() or name is not defined if I declare a variable called name. How can I disable that feature or edit its code to fix these messages.


What i wrote:

var name = "john";
var age = 26;
var job,ismarried;
ismarried = true;

I'm getting xs sign near my lines although the age is showing in chrome normally so the issue isn't with that very simple code it's with the text editor and I don't understand how to fix it.


  • My instructor's answer:

    These errors are probably related to JSLint and/or ESLint. These are tools used in Brackets to scan your code for bugs.You can also disable JSLint. To do that: Go to Brackets > File > Extension Manager > Default > Disable ESLint and JSLint.