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unexpected compilation error in a function call (C++)

I have a template function makeMatrix(), code is:

template<size_t N>
void makeMatrix(string dataFilePath, int adjcMatrix[N][N])
  fstreamExtension fe("adj.txt", ios::in|ios::binary);
  string s;
  vector<int> temp;
  int i = 0;

      getline(fe, s);
      temp = tokenizeToInt(s, ",\n")); //error: expected ';' before ')' token|

      for(int j = 0; j < N; j++)
          adjcMatrix[i][j] = temp[j];

      i += 1;

fstreamExtension is a class I created and is included in program through header #include "fstreamExtension.h", other included headers are iostream string and boost/tokenizer.hpp.

code for tokenizeToInt():

vector<int> tokenizeToInt(string& intString, const char* seperators)
   vector<int> intValues;

   boost::char_separator<char> delims(seperators);
   boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>> tokens(intString, delims);

   for (const auto& t : tokens) {

   return intValues;


Why it is causing a compilation error in the makeMatrix(), the syntax seems correct, I didn't called it in main(), was compiling some other code then this error popped up when I started a build.

IDE : codeblocks 16.01, gcc.


  • You should listen to what the compiler tells you. Often the error is simpler than you think:

    temp = tokenizeToInt(s, ",\n")); //error: expected ';' before ')' token|

    An extra right-parenthesis. The compiler error means "I thought you were done with this command, why are you trying to close another parenthesis-pair?"