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nested map in cassandra data modelling

I have following requirement of my dataset, need to unserstand what datatype should I use and how to save my data accordingly :-

id text,
evntoverlap map<text, map<timestamp,int>>,

evntoverlap = {
               'Dig1': {{'2017-10-09 04:10:05', 0}}, 
               'Dig2': {{'2017-10-09 04:11:05', 0},{'2017-10-09 04:15:05', 0}},
               'Dig3': {{'2017-10-09 04:11:05', 0},{'2017-10-09 04:15:05', 0},{'2017-10-09 04:11:05', 0}}

This gives an error :-

Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Non-frozen collections are not allowed inside collections: map<text, map<timestamp, int>>"

How should I store this type of data in single column . Please suggest datatype and insert command for the same. Thanks,


  • There is limitation of Cassandra - you can't nest collection (or UDT) inside collection without making it frozen. So you need to "froze" one of the collections - either nested:

    CREATE TABLE events (
    id text,
    evntoverlap map<text, frozen<map<timestamp,int>>>,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

    or top-level:

    CREATE TABLE events (
    id text,
    evntoverlap frozen<map<text, map<timestamp,int>>>,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

    See documentation for more details.