Seeking some guidance on a problem modifying an object within a closure function. I'm rewriting a program in Angular 5. My program uses a store to manage a form wizard, where some questions are answered using svg elements/buttons. Once clicked an object property is set. The code below is a skeleton version of what I'm having a problem with.
I've read other closure posts but I did not come across one that fits my scenario.
Thanks for answers and/or suggestions to refactor.
class Builder {
this.object = {
//Short cutting to click commands.. Using lodash
_.forEach(database, (o)=>{
console.log(; // 'blue' to console
((function(){{ = 'red';
console.log(; //Cannot read property
'object' of undefined
Update to original post
I think I need to add a bit more info to my questions for others that may run into this problem. The code I provided was a skeleton of my overall code.
Before testing I did refactor the function() calls using ()={} arrow notation (in different combinations) and this did not solve the problem, because it further broke methods requiring (this).element as a result of the
Thanks to everyones' comment and submitted answer. I want to state that the answer provided by @LGson is a solid answer and works. But I felt I needed to clean up this post a bit and share what I did to solve this issue for my situation which uses a canvas framework to generate the UI elements that rely on (this) on the element within the event and where I could not access the outside object.
Here is how I was able to get this to work.
I added a getter method in the object to return the value of the internal reference needed and used and self.getter to set and retrieve the value that I needed. And the library method continues to work as expected.
class Builder {
this.object = {
get value():{ return;}
var self = this.object;
_.forEach(database, (o)=>{
console.log(; // 'blue' to console
((()=>{{ = 'red';
console.log(self.value); // red
} } }