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Get the distance between two Addresses in google sheets with mode transit

I am trying to get the distance between A an B with the mode transit.

This is my code on google sheets(excel)

=importXML(""& A4  & "&destinations=" & D4 & "&mode=transit&arrival_time=1391374800&key=MYKEYHERE"; "//distance/text")

It says the the "Url can not be called". Im sitting on this problem for some time and i would appreciate any help.

Other then importing XML and in the code it says /json?origin I don't really understand the problem.

EDIT: I found this in the Doc


But im not sure how to input it in the line above. I do the all the long and lat for the destination and origin.


  • here is the answer

     =importXML(""& A4 & "&destinations=" & D4 & "&mode=transit&key=YOURKEYHERE"; "//distance/text")