i work on create a PDF from Leaflet map with custom icons, and I rotate these icons to angle for track report(cars). I use leaflet-image plugin to create the image from map and then I use pdfmake to add the image to PDF (PDF contains map, table and canvas JS charts). Everything works fine (the markers rotate on website) but when I add map image to my PDF the markers don't have a rotation.
I add the image with rotation with these code
var marker=[
<?php foreach($track as $key => $value){ ?>L.marker([
<?php echo $value['Y']; ?>,
<?php echo $value['X']; ?>],{icon: icon
<?php echo $value['Eng']; ?>, rotationAngle:
<?php echo $value['Angle']; ?> }).bindPopup("
<?php echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $key); ?> / speed:
<?php echo $value['Speed']; ?> km/h." ),
<?php } ?>
<?php ?>]
I was looking for other libraries that can solve my problem.
I get the image with these code
var icon3 = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/direction_green.png',
iconSize: [12, 12],
iconAnchor: [0, 0],
popupAnchor: [15, -8]
var icon2 = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/stop_green.png',
iconSize: [12, 12],
iconAnchor: [0, 0],
popupAnchor: [15, -8]
var icon1 = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/stop_blue.png',
iconSize: [12, 12],
iconAnchor: [0, 0],
popupAnchor: [15, -8]
var icon0 = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/stop_black.png',
iconSize: [12, 12],
iconAnchor: [0, 0],
popupAnchor: [15, -8]
Then I use the corresponding status marker for the car (engine onn, engine off, etc...)
I see the problem is this rotation is the html rotation. Can i rotate the image with js/jQuery before add to my map? I get the image with:
iconUrl: 'images/stop_black.png
I have one more problem: I do not have the circles and the line in my PDF. In website everything in fine again.
Thanks for your help
This is the answer for my question. I hope to help someone. The plugin leaflat-rotate-marker use css to rotate the markers and when i use plugin leaflat-image to create the image from map the markers in PDF don't have a rotation becouse leaflat image don't work with html and css. My compleate code is this:
processArray(js_tracks); //call processArray with my array
async function processArray(array) {
shelterMarkers.eachLayer(function(layer){ //remove previous markers because i call this function onload and on map zoomed.
for (let item of array) {
if(icontmp[item['Reakt']][item['Angle']] != -1){ //array icontmp is my cash for previous created markers.
var iUrl = icontmp[item['Reakt']][item['Angle']];
else{ // if i don't have cashed markers with same angel await for delayedLog where i rotate the markers by angle and specific condition (item['Reakt'])
icontmp[item['Reakt']][item['Angle']] = await delayedLog(item['Angle'], item['Reakt']);
var iUrl = icontmp[item['Reakt']][item['Angle']];
var ico = L.icon({ //create a object with marker
iconUrl: iUrl,
iconSize: [(4.5*(mymap.getZoom()))/2, (4.5*(mymap.getZoom()))/2], // resize by map zoom
iconAnchor: [15, 15],
popupAnchor: [-10, -10]
L.marker([item['Y'], item['X']], // add X and Y cordinats
{icon: ico})
.bindPopup("<p>Време: "+item['dateTime']+" </p><p> скорост: "+item['Speed']+" км/ч.</p><p> Реакция: "+item['Reaktion']+" </p><p> "+item['Engine']+" </p>" ).addTo(shelterMarkers); // add to shelterMarkers
shelterMarkers.addTo(mymap); // add to map when ready
function delayedLog(angles, reak){
if(reak == 0){
var imgs = '<?php echo base_url();?>/images/stop_blue.png';
else if(reak == 1){
var imgs = '<?php echo base_url();?>/images/stop_green.png';
else if(reak == 2){
var imgs = '<?php echo base_url();?>/images/direction_green.png';
else if(reak == 3){
var imgs = '<?php echo base_url();?>/images/stop_red.png';
else if(reak == 4){
var imgs = '<?php echo base_url();?>/images/direction_red.png';
var imgs = '<?php echo base_url();?>/images/stop_black.png';
var image = loadImage(imgs).then(function (img) { //there i wait for load a image resource. Without it sometimes loading an empty blank instead of a finished image. loadImage is a function from plugin image-promise.min.js
let canvass = document.createElement('canvas');
let context = canvass.getContext('2d');
canvass.width = 50;
canvass.height = 50;
context.translate(15, 15);
context.rotate(angles*Math.PI/180); //rotate by angle
context.translate(-15, -15);
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
return canvass.toDataURL(); // when ready return dataurl
return image; // return dataurl to processArray