I have 2 TestNG testcase annotated with @Test
. A methods have a return type of String, which is as well a testcase. The other one uses the output param of the first. when I ran both test, TestNG only showed that only one ran instead of 2.
public class Login {
private static String INITIATE = "https://login.endpoint.com/initiate";
private static String COMPLETE = "https://login.endpoint.com/complete";
@Test(groups = "middleware", priority = 1)
public String InitiateLogin() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
RequestSpecification request = RestAssured.given();
request.header("Content-Type", "application/json");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("email", "[email protected]");
json.put("password", "111111");
Response response = request.post(INITIATE);
String OTP = response.path("OTP");
if(OTP.matches("[0-9]{4}")) {
"OTP", equalTo(OTP));
return OTP;
@Test(groups = "middleware", priority = 2)
public void CompleteLogin() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
RequestSpecification completeRequest = RestAssured.given();
completeRequest.header("Content-Type", "application/json");
JSONObject completeJson = new JSONObject();
completeJson.put("Otp", InitiateDeviceRelease());
Response completeResponse = completeRequest.post(COMPLETE);
"SessionToken", equalTo("ewrtw4456765v543fw3v"));
This is the output of the test. It suppose to show that 2 testcases ran, but it obly showed that only one ran. Is it because the first test have a return type and not void? What way can I make testng see that they are 2 testcases?
"OTP": "6645"
PASSED: CompleteLogin
Default test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
Default suite
Total tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
@Test method cannot have return type, it should be void always.
try changing return type of InitiateLogin() method to void, it should work.