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Unauthorized access error while building docker file on windows

I have started learning docker on windows 10. I have made following docker file

FROM java:8
ADD D:\project\test-service\target\test-service-1.0.war test-service.war
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","test-service.war"]

to build I am running the command

docker build -f <filename> -t <session name> .

while running I am getting error Unauthorized access. I have logged in into docker service from UI.

I have also tried command "docker login" still it is saying invalid user id password. Please suggest how to resolve this issue


  • I have faced the same issue it was resolved by the below method:

    use command

    docker login 

    it will ask you to enter your user id and password your email is not your user id so login to you will see your user id in the top right corner

    use that user id and your password to login.