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Debounce with elm in let expressions

I’m tyring to understand why is this not working. I’m trying to debounce, but not a user event from view. By idea this should go into the continiuos flow, which will happen once, but every few seconds. Main idea of this architecture is that events might be triggered from various places, but it will happen only once. I have made a simple example app:

module Main exposing (main)

import Html exposing (Html)

import Html
import Process
import Task
import Debug
import Time
import Control exposing (Control)
import Control.Debounce as Debounce

main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions

type alias Model =
    { counter : Int
    , state : Control.State Msg

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
  { counter = 0, state = Control.initialState }
  ! [ delay (Time.second * 3) <| ContinuousDebouncing ]

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =

type Msg
    = Deb (Control Msg)
    | ContinuousDebouncing

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of

        Deb debMsg ->
            Control.update (\s -> { model | state = s }) model.state debMsg

        ContinuousDebouncing ->
                x = Debug.log "ContinuousDebouncing"
                _ = debounce ContinuousDebouncing
                ( { model | counter = model.counter + 1 }, Cmd.none )

debounce : Msg -> Msg
debounce =
        x = Debug.log "debounce"
        Debounce.trailing Deb (3 * Time.second)

delay : Time.Time -> msg -> Cmd msg
delay time msg =
  Process.sleep time
  |> Task.andThen (always <| Task.succeed msg)
  |> Task.perform identity

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    Html.text (toString model.counter)


  • In your example app, you only fired the ContinuousDebouncing msg once in the init function, so as expected, the counter only increments once. You probably want to fire ContinuousDebouncing again in the update function.

    I think this achieves what you're after:

    module Main exposing (main)
    import Html exposing (Html)
    import Html
    import Process
    import Task
    import Debug
    import Time
    import Control exposing (Control)
    import Control.Debounce as Debounce
    main : Program Never Model Msg
    main =
            { init = init
            , view = view
            , update = update
            , subscriptions = subscriptions
    type alias Model =
        { counter : Int
        , state : Control.State Msg
    init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
    init =
      { counter = 0, state = Control.initialState }
      ! [ incrementCounter ]
    incrementCounter : Cmd Msg
    incrementCounter = debounce <| delay (Time.second * 3) <| ContinuousDebouncing
    subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
    subscriptions model =
    type Msg
        = Deb (Control Msg)
        | ContinuousDebouncing
    update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
    update msg model =
        case msg of
            Deb debMsg ->
                Control.update (\s -> { model | state = s }) model.state debMsg
            ContinuousDebouncing ->
                    x = Debug.log "ContinuousDebouncing"
                    ( { model | counter = model.counter + 1 }, incrementCounter )
    debounce : Msg -> Msg
    debounce =
            x = Debug.log "debounce"
            Debounce.trailing Deb (3 * Time.second)
    delay : Time.Time -> msg -> Cmd msg
    delay time msg =
      Process.sleep time
      |> Task.andThen (always <| Task.succeed msg)
      |> Task.perform identity
    view : Model -> Html Msg
    view model =
        Html.text (toString model.counter)