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How to reduce the execution time? ProfileBase's GetPropertyValue takes 40ms to execute

I have following code, wherein I create list of a custom class using MembershipUser array.

Following is the custom class whose list is created:

public class userandGroup :IComparable{
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string DisplayName { get; set; }
    public string type { get; set; }
    public int? CompareTo(Object obj)
        if (obj is userandGroup)
            return this.DisplayName.CompareTo((obj as userandGroup).DisplayName);
        return null;


Following is the code which populates userlist:

MembershipUserCollection tempuserlist = GetProvider("DefaultProfileProvider", applicationName).GetAllUsers(currentPage - 1, pageSize, out totalUsers);
MembershipUser[] userlist = new MembershipUser[totalUsers];
tempuserlist.CopyTo(userlist, 0);

Following is the code which generates list of userandGroup (the custom class):

foreach (MembershipUser usr in userlist)
        userandGroup usrgp = new userandGroup(); = ((Guid)usr.ProviderUserKey).ToString() ;
        usrgp.Name = usr.UserName;
        ProfileBase profile = ProfileBase.Create(usr.UserName);
        profile.Initialize(usr.UserName, true);
        // Following line approximately takes 40ms per loop.
        usrgp.DisplayName = profile.GetPropertyValue("FirstName").ToString() + " " + profile.GetPropertyValue("LastName").ToString();
        usrgp.type = "user";

As written in the comment, the line;

usrgp.DisplayName = profile.GetPropertyValue("FirstName").ToString() + " " + profile.GetPropertyValue("LastName").ToString(); 

takes 40ms to complete in one loop. I have 40 users at the moment. Thus the loop takes approximately 1600ms to execute. If number of users are increased, the loop will take horrendous time to complete.

How can I reduce the execution time of the line or is there any other way to get first name and last name of the user from ProfileBase?


  • As per @TyCobb 's suggestion, I used Parallel Foreach loop. I updated the loop as follows.

    Object obj = new Object();
        Parallel.ForEach(userlist, (usr) =>
            userandGroup usrgp = new userandGroup();
   = ((Guid)usr.ProviderUserKey).ToString();
            usrgp.Name = usr.UserName;
            ProfileBase profile = ProfileBase.Create(usr.UserName);
            profile.Initialize(usr.UserName, true);
            usrgp.type = "user";
            usrgp.DisplayName = profile.GetPropertyValue("FirstName").ToString() + " " + profile.GetPropertyValue("LastName").ToString();
            lock (obj)

    Although this improved performance a bit, the performance is yet not optimum. Now the entire loop completes in less than one second.