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How do I make Guice bind this generic correctly?

I'm working on a platform for processing messages, and I'm running into a problem with Guice bindings. I've written a sample project that displays the problem I'm having, which is an exception that looks like this:

1) com.icacarealign.worker_example.PreprocessorMiddleware<MessageType> cannot be used as a key; It is not fully specified.

Here comes the code.

The Interfaces

public interface Middleware {
  void configure();

public interface PreprocessorMiddleware<MessageType> extends Middleware {
  void prework(Context<MessageType> contextObj);

public interface PostprocessorMiddleware<MessageType> extends Middleware {
  void postwork(Context<MessageType> contextObj);

The Guice Binding

public class MiddlewareModule<MessageType> extends AbstractModule {
  private final List<Class<? extends PostprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>> _postprocessors;
  private final List<Class<? extends PreprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>> _preprocessors;

  public MiddlewareModule(
    List<Class<? extends PreprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>> preprocessors,
    List<Class<? extends PostprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>> postprocessors
  ) {
    _preprocessors = preprocessors;
    _postprocessors = postprocessors;

  protected void configure() {
    bindAllMiddleware(_preprocessors, new TypeLiteral<PreprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>() {});
    bindAllMiddleware(_postprocessors, new TypeLiteral<PostprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>() {});

  private <T extends Middleware> void bindAllMiddleware(List<Class<? extends T>> middleware, TypeLiteral<T> type) {
    Multibinder<T> multibinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), type);

    middleware.forEach(middlewareType -> bindMiddleware(multibinder, middlewareType));

  private <T extends Middleware> void bindMiddleware(Multibinder<T> binder, Class<? extends T> type) {

The Main Method

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<Class<? extends PreprocessorMiddleware<Message>>> preprocessorMiddlewares = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Class<? extends PostprocessorMiddleware<Message>>> postprocessorMiddlewares = new ArrayList<>();


    MiddlewareModule<Message> module = new MiddlewareModule<>(preprocessorMiddlewares, postprocessorMiddlewares);

    Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(module);

What am I doing wrong?


  • As jacobm describes, you need to work around the generics, and will probably need to pass in the type you're binding. Luckily, you can use Guice's Types.newParameterizedType to create your fully-specified TypeLiteral.

    public class MiddlewareModule<MessageType> extends AbstractModule {
      private final Class<MessageType> _clazz;
      private final List<Class<? extends PostprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>> _postprocessors;
      private final List<Class<? extends PreprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>> _preprocessors;
      public MiddlewareModule(
        // Accept the message type in a way that survives erasure.
        Class<MessageType> clazz,
        List<Class<? extends PreprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>> preprocessors,
        List<Class<? extends PostprocessorMiddleware<MessageType>>> postprocessors
      ) {
        _clazz = clazz;
        _preprocessors = preprocessors;
        _postprocessors = postprocessors;
      protected void configure() {
        // Use the Class to create your fully-specified TypeLiteral.
            Types.newParameterizedType(PreprocessorMiddleware.class, _clazz));
            Types.newParameterizedType(PostprocessorMiddleware.class, _clazz));
      private <T extends Middleware> void bindAllMiddleware(List<Class<? extends T>> middleware, TypeLiteral<T> type) {
        Multibinder<T> multibinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), type);
        middleware.forEach(middlewareType -> bindMiddleware(multibinder, middlewareType));
      private <T extends Middleware> void bindMiddleware(Multibinder<T> binder, Class<? extends T> type) {
        bind(type).in(Singleton.class);  // Don't call binder() explicitly.

    Note that this is untested code, since I don't have a full SSCCE; you may need to tweak the type parameters in order to convince Guice that your use of wildcards in generics is safe.