Is it possible to add color to the lines in the following radar chart?
anychart.onDocumentReady(function() {
// chart type
var chart = anychart.radar();
// chart title
// series type and data set
{x: "Administration", value:"22"},
{x: "Sales", value:"34"},
{x: "Marketing", value:"16"},
{x: "Research", value:"12"},
{x: "Support", value:"38"},
{x: "Development", value:"47"}
// draw chart
I have tried adding fill
, but it doesn't seem to be working
{x: "Administration", value:"22", fill: "#color-code"},
{x: "Sales", value:"34", fill: "#color-code"},
{x: "Marketing", value:"16", fill: "#color-code"},
{x: "Research", value:"12", fill: "#color-code"},
{x: "Support", value:"38", fill: "#color-code"},
{x: "Development", value:"47", fill: "#color-code"}
This is a line series on a radar plot as Radar Plot: Line says. So it follows Line Chart series settings: and you need to set Stroke, not fill, for example:
line = chart.line([
{x: "Administration", value:"22"},
{x: "Sales", value:"34"},
{x: "Marketing", value:"16"},
{x: "Research", value:"12"},
{x: "Support", value:"38"},
{x: "Development", value:"47"}
line.stroke('red 3', 2, 2);
As it is shown in this Radar Line Chart with Stroke Settings Sample:
chart.palette(["Black", "Green"]);
Alternatively, you can use AnyChart Palette if you need several different lines: AnyChart Palette Multiple Lines Radar Chart
And here is a snippet of the basic sample as well:
anychart.onDocumentReady(function() {
// chart type
var chart = anychart.radar();
// chart title
// set palette
chart.palette(["Black", "Green"]);
// series type and data set
{x: "Administration", value:"22"},
{x: "Sales", value:"34"},
{x: "Marketing", value:"16"},
{x: "Research", value:"12"},
{x: "Support", value:"38"},
{x: "Development", value:"47"}
// series type and data set
{x: "Administration", value:"32"},
{x: "Sales", value:"44"},
{x: "Marketing", value:"46"},
{x: "Research", value:"42"},
{x: "Support", value:"48"},
{x: "Development", value:"57"}
// draw chart
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