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Running GWT Speedtracer without Jetty

We are trying to run the GWT (2.1) Speedtracer, but have trouble with it, since Jetty doesn't accept our JDBC resources (they work fine in Tomcat) - probably because the JAR containing the drivers is not found by it.

Is there a way to make the GWT speedtracer run without the Jetty Server?

Or how do I make the web.xml/context.xml compatible with both Tomcat and Jetty?

I would prefer to run it in Jetty - as long as this won't cause problems with tomcat.


  • If you want to use Tomcat:

    The GWT documentation mentions, that you can use Speed Tracer on the server-side with the SpringSource tc Server (which is a Tomcat server).

    If you want to use Jetty:

    Using DataSources with the embedded GWT Jetty server is possible, but not easy. It's explained in this Google Group post for GWT 1.6. I have tried this with GWT 2.1, and it basically remains the same procedure. Here's a quick outline:

    • enable JNDI for the embedded Jetty:
      • add jetty-naming-*.jar, jetty-plus-*.jar
      • modify the JettyLauncher,
      • add the VM arg -Djava.naming.factory.initial=org.mortbay.naming.InitialContextFactory (or use
    • create a jetty-env.xml (similar to Tomcat's context.xml)
    • define a resource-ref in the web.xml