Search code examples

Query HAVING MAX() doesn't work as expected

I have four tables in a database. the tables are like the following:

Cashier(cashier_id*, cashier_name)
Category(category_id*, category_name)
Product(product_id*, product_name, price, category_id**)
Purchase(product_id**, cashier_id**, amount)

* primary key
** foreign key

I want to select category name with the highest number of purchase. Here's what I've done so far, but I couldn't get the result that i want

SELECT x.category,x.amount
    FROM (SELECT category_name as category, SUM(amount) as amount FROM 
          Category c, Product pr, Purchase pu WHERE pr.product_id = 
          pu.product_id and c.category_id = pr.category_id GROUP BY 
          category_name) x
    GROUP BY x.category
    HAVING MAX(x.amount);


  • Presumably, you want something like this:

    SELECT c.category_name as category, SUM(amount) as amount
    FROM Category c JOIN
         Product pr
         ON c.category_id = pr.category_id JOIN
         Purchase pu 
         ON pr.product_id = pu.product_id
    GROUP BY category_name
    ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC
    LIMIT 1;

    Never use commas in the FROM clause. Always use proper, explicit, standard JOIN syntax.